Hide options and started an eBook reader website - Dev Diary 11.04.2020

After my last dev diary, I thought about what actually is needed for a minimum viable product of my voluntary work job-search site and it is actually not that much. I didn't really develop a lot this week. The only thing I implemented is the option to hide the options. Even that is not that important right now, but it was fast to do it. There are just some texts missing and then we can make it available for the first organisations. We will first introduce the website to five organisations so that they can give us feedback. Before it can be released however there are some legal texts, that we have to put on the site since the Germany law demands it. An admin area is needed as well. We can't allow anyone to put content on our site. We have to allow every NGO's representation first and we have to see every change they make. The admin console should allow us to make them visible or invisible. That is what I plan to develop next week.

I also started a second project, that is a lot smaller and should be finished soon. I found my blog to be improper to publish an eBook and Wattpad is also not the right platform for my taste. So I am making a simple eBook Reader website for Tales of Nowardo. When you start the page you can choose a scene you want to read. The default option is to start from the start of course.
After pressing on "read" you can read the scene and with the arrow keys under the text, you can navigate to the next, last or first scene. What do you think about my reader? There is only some legal stuff missing, you know Germany demands it. Maybe next week I will even have a link to it.


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