My new writing routine - HabitDiary 21.11.2020
Welcome to my new Habit Diary. In the last two weeks, I thought a lot about my blogging. First, I was unsatisfied with my current formats, and now I am just inspired to write my novel more than just a scene per week. If you are interested in a grimdark Scifi novel, then you can read it here . I want to finish it this year, and for that, I want to write a new scene every day. I can't maintain the same blogging activity, but I don't want to pause all blogging. I decided to write a Habit Diary every two weeks, where I describe my current routine and how I plan to change it to hopefully achieve excellent results in all my projects. It is probably something I can maintain, and I believe that it could inspire you to change something in your life, too. Let's start in the night before every day: Around ten in the evening, I will turn off all electronics and begin writing the first version of a new scene for my novel or respectively a Habit Diary every second Tuesday night. I have...